• In the past years, I have been interested in knowing in depth how students learn

  • Are students improving their learning by using neuroscience evidence in their teaching-learning experience?

  • This deepened my understanding of educational processes and how humans communicate, which integrates into my endeavor as a medical writer

  • While my natural expertise is in neuroscience, neuropharmacology and related areas, I am exploring new medical fields, such as psicooncology

Neuromyths in Education

In this video –in Catalan, subtitled in Spanish– I speak about a famous neuromyth: a belief linked to brain function that is widespread in society.

Do we use 10 percent of our brain?


Six accomplishments defining my work

I have been involved in research for more than 15 years and published 15 peer-reviewed articles on neuroscience and education

They deal with basic neuroscience, inquiry in life sciences education, and neuroscience applied to education. Other formats I wrote include outreach, opinion, blogging, and others. 

Led a special issue, with more than 200k visits and downloads, that raised the impact of ‘Frontiers in Education’ journal

I am interested in the knowledge and improvement of the learning process in educational centers. That's why I started collaborating with the Educational Research Group in Health Sciences, at Pompeu Fabra University, and with the Chair of Neuroeducation, at the University of Barcelona. You can look at the special issue on Neuroeducation in Frontiers here.

Created and headed a journal for the education community that transformed the understanding of teaching

The Journal of Neuroeducation - Revista de Neuroeducación, hosted by the Chair of Neuroeducation at the University of Barcelona. Articles are in Spanish, Catalan, and English and are open-access. It was a great experience to create it with the support of the Chair's team and to be its editor-in-chief for over two years.

Been involved in conceiving and executing impactful projects that enhance learning, both at school and University

The NeurAula project fosters improving students learning through the knowledge of how the brain works. If students have a better understanding of how their brains work, it will give them more control over their learning process.

Wrote and edited chapters in 3 books, one of which I recently coordinated

They deal with learning science for educators, general educational practice from a neuroscientific view, and virtual reality and immersive environments for higher education.

Taught in schools and University for more than 6 years

This allowed me to be aware of what is happening in the classrooms, and what are the challenges in education today, while developing communication skills.

Professional History

My experience

2022 - Present

Freelance Medical and Education Writer

2018 - 2021

Member of the Chair of Neuroeducation UB-EDU1ST

University of Barcelona

2017 - 2021

Postdoctoral Researcher

Pompeu Fabra University

2015 - 2021

Teacher and tutor

Escola Pia de Catalunya - Bcn

2014 - 2015

Postdoctoral Researcher

Universitaatsmedizin Göttingen & EPFL Lausanne

2008 - 2014

PhD & Research fellow

Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer - Bcn


My key competences


Of therapeutic areas, key statistical concepts and education-oriented


Informative and concise, understanding the audience and data integration


Compelling work that has an impact and moves the audience


Verbal and listening skills for problem-solving and decision-making