Book: Realidad Virtual y entornos inmersivos en educación superior. Editorial Octaedro. (Jun 2023)


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Knowledge in neuroscience boosts motivation and awareness of learning strategies in science vocational students. Journal of Neuroeducation, 2021. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Nora Pérez, Mar Carrió-Llach.

¿Podemos cambiar como nos vemos a nosotros/as mismos/as con la neurociencia? Journal of Neuroeducation, sección Neuromads, 2021. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

Hay 'brotes verdes' en la situación de la educación en el contexto post-pandemia? REIRE, 2020. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

Cortical Activity and Rhythmic Patterns in Mouse Models of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease. OBM Geriatrics, 2020. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Patricia Castaño-Prat, Toni Donegan, Mavi Sanchez-Vives.

Outer brain oscillations in Down syndrome. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 2019. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías

Conference Abstract: Involvement of Dyrk1A, a down syndrome candidate gene, in the thalamocortical connectivity. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019. María Martínez de Lagrán, Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Maria V Sanchez-Vives, Mara Dierssen.

Beta and Gamma Oscillations in Prefrontal Cortex During NMDA Hypofunction: An In Vitro Model of Schizophrenia Features. Neuroscience, 2018. Beatriz Rebollo, Maria Perez-Zabalza, Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Lorena Perez-Mendez, Maria V Sanchez-Vives

La Formación Profesional también innova: proyecto 'Experimenta, Comunica, Integra'. Actas del Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria e Innovación (CIDUI), 2018. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Gemma Rodríguez, Mar Carrió-Llach.

Gen candidato para el síndrome de Down. Mente y Cerebro, 2016. María Martínez de Largan Cabredo, Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

Oscilaciones alteradas de la corteza prefrontal en un modelo de síndrome de Down: el rol del gen DYRK1A, Genotipia, 2016. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, María Martínez de Lagrán, María V Sanchez-Vives, Mara Dierssen. Link

Overexpression of Dyrk1A, a Down Syndrome Candidate, Decreases Excitability and Impairs Gamma Oscillations in the Prefrontal Cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 2016. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, María M de Lagrán, Maurizio Mattia, Patricia-Castaño-Prat, Lorena Pérez-Méndez, Laura-Ciria-Suárez, Belén Sancristóbal, Jordi García-Ojalvo, Agnès Gruart, Jose-María Delgado-García, Maria V Sánchez-Vives, Mara Dierssen.

Gradual emergence of spontaneous correlated brain activity during fading of general anesthesia in rats: Evidences from fMRI and local field potentials. Neuroimage, 2015. Ruggero G Bettinardi, Núria Tort-Colet, Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Maria V Sanchez-Vives, Gustavo Deco.

Activity of the rat brain under different levels of anesthesia measured at distinct spatiotemporal scales. ECCS'13, 2013. Ruggero G Bettinardi, Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Núria Tort-Colet, Maria V Sanchez-Vives, Gustavo Deco

Slow and fast rhythms generated in the cerebral cortex of the anesthetized mouse. Journal of Neurophisiology, 2011. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Laura Ciria-Suárez, Maurizio Mattia, Maria V Sanchez-Vives.


Realidad virtual y entornos inmersivos en educación superior. Octaedro Editorial, 2023. Marcel Ruiz-Mejias y Tania Johnston (coords.). Nicolás Barnes, Adriana Bastardas, Tania Johnston, Elena Lloberas, Brenda Ryan, Marcel Ruiz-Mejias, Justyna Swidrak, Berta Vall.

La pràctica educativa amb mirada neurocientífica. Horsori Editorial, 2021. David Bueno, Anna Fores (coords.), Ana María Fernández, Rosa Casafont, Jose Ramon Gamo, Jesús Guillén, Teresa Hernández, Chema Lázaro, Marta Ligioiz, Gilberto Pinzón, Marta Portero, Marcel Ruiz, Carmen Trinidad.

La práctica educativa con mirada neurocientífica. Horsori Editorial, 2021. David Bueno, Anna Fores (coords.), Ana María Fernández, Rosa Casafont, Jose Ramon Gamo, Jesús Guillén, Teresa Hernández, Chema Lázaro, Marta Ligioiz, Gilberto Pinzón, Marta Portero, Marcel Ruiz, Carmen Trinidad.

Libro abierto: Conceptos de la Ciencia del Aprendizaje para Docentes (proyecto Illuminated). Pressbooks, 2020. Marc Beardsley, Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Mari Tervaniemi, Lavinia Hernández-Leo.

Open book: Science of Learning Concepts for Teachers (Project Illuminated). Pressbooks, 2020. Marc Beardsley, Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, Mari Tervaniemi, Lavinia Hernández-Leo.

Thesis Dissertation: Oscillations in the cerebral cortex: mechanisms of control and alterations in a transgenic model of Down syndrome. Dipòsit Digital Universitat de Barcelona, 2013. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías. Descarga de la página de la Universidad de Barcelona


Journal of Neuroeducation - Vol. I, Issue 2 Journal of Neuroeducation, 2021. Marcel Ruiz Mejías, David Bueno, Anna Forés.

Journal of Neuroeducation - Vol. I, Issue 1 Journal of Neuroeducation, 2020. Marcel Ruiz Mejías, David Bueno, Anna Forés.

What is anesthesia? Frontiers for Young Minds, 2021. Editor: Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

The More, The Merrier? What Happens In Your Brain When You Are Multitasking? Frontiers for Young Minds, 2021. Editor: Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

When “I” Becomes “We”, Even “Illness” Turns to “Wellness”: Why Group Life Is Important for Our Health. Frontiers for Young Minds, 2021. Editor: Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

Why Are Some Kids More Sensitive to Their Environments? Frontiers for Young Minds, 2020. Editor: Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

Research Topic (special issue) - Neuroeducation: Translating Lab Insights into Classroom Practice Frontiers in Educational Psychology, 2019. Marcel Ruiz-Mejías, David Bueno, Anna Fores, Mar Carrió-Llach, Marta Portero.

Fooling the Brain, Fooling the Pain: The Role of Mirror Therapy and Modern Uses in Virtual Reality. Frontiers for Young Minds, 2019. Editor: Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

Making Reality Virtual: How VR “Tricks” Your Brain. Frontiers for Young Minds, 2018. Editor: Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.

Crime Solving: Can You Correctly Report What You Saw? Frontiers for Young Minds, 2018. Editor: Marcel Ruiz-Mejías.