A blogsite for liquid navigators

cerebro, emociones, opinión Marcel Ruiz cerebro, emociones, opinión Marcel Ruiz


In the era of post-pandemic-and-other-disasters pricing inflation, in which -sorry for remembering- we are almost all involved, neuroscience users are not missing the part of the cake.

Neuromarketing thrived in the last 20 years by promising tools and information that would help customer-oriented covering of needs. So, what’s the thing behind it? And what’s my take on it - if anybody cares?

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La societat ‘‘HIGH’’
addiccions, societat, opinió Sonia Lujan addiccions, societat, opinió Sonia Lujan

La societat ‘‘HIGH’’

Pensem que som lliures, però tota una generació ha estat sotmesa a la persecució incansable d’un mateix destí. Uns mateixos slogans, uns mateixos filtres a les xarxes socials o uns resultats ipso facto.

Som dependents de la dopamina, perquè, qui més qui menys, està enganxat a alguna cosa. T’ho has preguntat alguna vegada? 

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health is often overrated
Marcel Ruiz Marcel Ruiz

health is often overrated

Are you healthy? Do you have a ‘complete’ state of health? Please, be honest…

Why the WHO defined ‘health’ as a complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity when, everybody knows, ‘almost’ nobody has?

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Chocolate Ice Cream
Marcel Ruiz Marcel Ruiz

Chocolate Ice Cream

Usually you have an idea, you take a decision that you consider appropriate, and you put it into action.

Typically, more often than not, the move goes wrong. You screw up. You spill it all over, sh*! happens, and you make a mess. Damn, it seemed so easy...

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Gelat de xocolata
Marcel Ruiz Marcel Ruiz

Gelat de xocolata

Habitualment tens una idea, prens una decisió que consideres adequada, i la poses en marxa.

Habitualment, o més aviat sovint, et surt malament la jugada. La cagues. L’espifies o emboliques la troca. Punyeta, semblava tan fàcil…

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Un día en las carreras
Marcel Ruiz Marcel Ruiz

Un día en las carreras

Como hemos estado hablando de psicooncología estos últimos días, me gustaría explicarles una historia breve, pero cierta.

Trata de un músico que un día, tras llevar a sus hijos a la escuela, desarrolla un principio de psicosis por haber dormido poco.

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One second of life (or two)
brain, cancer, mental health Marcel Ruiz brain, cancer, mental health Marcel Ruiz

One second of life (or two)

At the intersection between psychiatry and oncology, there is a branch of clinical practice known as psycho-oncology. It involves health professionals from medicine, psychology, nursing, and many others.

You may well have had the opportunity to have met or been treated by one of them, just because cancer and mental health go hand in hand.

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