Chocolate Ice Cream

Usually you have an idea, you take a decision that you consider appropriate, and you put it into action.

Typically, more often than not, the move goes wrong. You screw up. You spill it all over, sh*! happens, and you make a mess. Damn, it seemed so easy...

Chocolate ice cream is not for everyone.

What do I mean by that? Is it a metaphor? Is it pedantry, or just bullshit?

A bit of a mess, chocolate ice cream is not for everyone. The reason is clear: we are not ready to taste the honey on our lips, or the ambrosia of the Goddess, which is right in front of us, ready for us to delicately sip it along. And we can never reach it.

It is therefore a chimera. A ghost, a glimpse or, quite simply, a carrot attached to a string, in the purest style of oh when the saints go marching in.

Thus, the chocolate ice cream melted by the heat of the summer, slowly spilled off from the lip’s corner, and showing an image that is so much of a film starring Johnny Depp or Juliette Binoche, is nothing more than a representation of the beliefs that we absorb from the environment, or the ways in which our brain pretends what it perceives in the way it wants to, by building the perfect situation.

Just to accomplish your dream: to lick the chocolate drop, warm now, that falls down the cheek of your beloved and sex mate.

The most slaughtering betrayal

Ladies and gentlemen, our brains are constantly cheating us. And the illusion that in the future everything will be better is exactly the same as the illusion that the Earth will blow out.

A good friend of mine recently said that I like to talk, and the truth is that I do when I'm allowed to. I am really sorry to have upset her, but someone had to tell her, and reality that hits your face hurts, either if it’s it back or forth.

Then, what?

Shall we eat chocolate ice cream? Do we spend our money on sex, drugs and rock'n'roll (or trap, or techno), or shall we do something else? Or better, may we do both?

That said, greetings from Barcelona, just back from France and Greek Islands. It is a cool Friday eve here, and tomorrow will be one of those days when you can relax, just with the job done.




health is often overrated


Gelat de xocolata